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Smooth sailing, whatever the weather

Whether you have a passion for classic cars, supercars, yachts, or private jets - luxury modes of travel are one of life’s pleasures.

With high-value vehicles, you’ll need more protection than what standard insurance policies can offer. As well as recovering costs following theft or damage, you may need to consider suitable cover for any passengers, crew and cargo. Our experts can advise on and arrange the right policy to suit your lifestyle.

Along with our panel of specialist insurers, we share your passion – understanding the niche markets and specifications of luxury vehicles to arrange bespoke insurance.

What We Do

Motor, Marine _ Aviation - Classic cars.jpg
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    Classic cars, supercars, hypercars and fleets

    Protection for your collection of cars, wherever they’re located, including cover for temporarily imported, high-value supercars.

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    Boats, private yachts and superyachts

    Cover for mechanical breakdown, loss and damage, as well as options for indemnity, crew welfare, and contents insurance to protect fine art or other valuables on board.

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    Private jets, helicopters and other aircraft

    Specialist cover to protect against damage, cargo liability, personal accident for crew and passengers, and other aviation-specific options.

Success Stories

our capabilities in action

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