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Our mission: To add value beyond wealth management

Time itself is limited – however, our use of time can open up the possibility of a boundless life. A life that is lived today, with the ones you love, to leave behind a vibrant legacy tomorrow.

So, with the time we have, we want to help you make the most of what you have.

Mission Statement:

At NEBA Private Clients, our mission is to deliver unparalleled outcome for our clients by embodying our core values in every aspect of our work.

We prioritize Client First, ensuring that your needs and goals are at the forefront of all we do.

Our commitment to Communication ensures transparency, clarity, and trust in every interaction. We strive for Excellence in every detail, continually pushing the boundaries to achieve superior results. We provide personalized Care, demonstrating genuine attention to your unique situation. Our team operates with Pride, taking ownership of our work and celebrating our collective achievements. We foster a Positive Mindset, approaching challenges with optimism and a solution-oriented attitude. We will always take Accountability for our actions and their outcomes, ensuring we deliver our promises. Together, these values drive us to exceed expectations and deliver the best possible results for our clients, ensuring a partnership built on trust, excellence, and shared success.

Core values

At NEBA Private Clients, our core values define who we are and guide every decision we make. They are the foundation of our success and the reason we excel.

  1. Client First: Whatever it takes, that's what we do. Our clients' needs and goals are always our top priority
  2. Communication: Pure Transparency: Honest and open communication builds trust and ensures clarity. We will always look each other in the eye and tell them the truth.
  3. Commitment to Excellence: We strive for excellence in everything we do. Our dedication to superior quality sets us apart.
  4. Care: We care for each other and have each other's backs. We support and uplift one another, creating a collaborative and positive environment
  5. Pride: We take pride in our company and in belonging to something bigger than ourselves
  6. Positive Mindset: We do not accept or tolerate negativity. We are solution-oriented and focus on getting the job done with a positive attitude.
  7. Accountability: We are accountable for everything we do. We take responsibility for our actions and their outcomes, ensuring we always deliver on our promises.

These values drive us to exceed expectations and create a workplace where excellence is the standard, and everyone feels valued and motivated. At NEBA Private Clients, we are united by our commitment to these principles, ensuring the best outcomes for our clients and our team.

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Life is complicated and full of constant distractions from what actually matters. We cut through the noise and turn complex problems into simple solutions.


As pioneers, we are always progressing our learning to develop deeper knowledge. We research and implement innovative technologies to enhance your experience.


We work with you as a cohesive team to deliver a robust solution that encapsulates all your complex financial affairs.

Here to make a difference

Our Story



NEBA FS Founded (Product Distribution)






NEBA Wealth established in Labuan



NEBA Acquired by TEAM PLC listed on the London Stock Exchange



All International Wealth Offices Rebranded under NEBA Private Clients

Team & Leadership

John Beverley

Group Managing Director

Will Price

Managing Partner (South East Asia)

Bart Kendall

Managing Partner (CEO Middle East)

Luke Forrest

Managing Partner (Africa)

Richard Raczkowski

Co-Managing Partner (Africa)

Awards & Recognition


We believe in giving without expectation of reciprocation.

We frequently raise funds for great causes and volunteer to help in meaningful projects that change lives, no matter how small. Our company’s purpose is about adding value to people’s lives, which expands beyond our clients to the global community.

Neba Private Clients ​​​​​ School Building Project

The Neba Private Clients School Building Project, in partnership with Alquity and UK registered The One Foundation, successfully raised £26,564.41 towards building a school in Malawi, Africa. Together, we collaboratively transformed over 20,000 lives, promising them a brighter future.

Project Malawi

Alongside our School Building project, funds were also raised to:

  • Build a bridge from the school to withstand the floods
  • Malawi endures each year, meaning the children can cross the waters safely and continue to receive the education that is so desperately needed
  • Ensure regular maintenance was conducted on the school water well, as well as bore holes and rubber seals - Fund one meal a day for each child
  • Employ parents of the students to cook the meals in the morning and plant trees to use as firewood on the stoves
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Movember Charity Drive

Each year during November, millions of men all over the world unite to support the global charitable organisation “Movember” with a view to changing the face of men’s health. 23 Neba Private Clients employees took up the challenge, and the team, known as Neba Private Clients Groomers, managed to raise $5363 for charity and ranked the number 1 Movember team in the UAE.



Investing in pioneers of change

Our team – from advisory to operations – work closely together to ensure we deliver exceptional experiences and consistent service propositions to our clients. As team players, we help each other thrive by working together towards a common goal - for everyone to share success.

Open Vacancies

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