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Market recap and 2023 investment outlook

Friday, January 20, 2023

Market recap and 2023 investment outlook

2022 was remarkably turbulent, with the global economy being hit by multiple adverse shocks — from supply and demand issues spilling into labour markets, a third major wave of COVID-19, and Russia`s invasion of Ukraine. There were numerous geopolitical and economic factors significantly impacting market performance. 

The current trend of increased economic and market fluctuations is ongoing and is not expected to change. Central banks will not be able to save the economy during a recession, unlike what investors have grown accustomed to. Therefore, a new approach to investing is necessary, a diversified portfolio can make a world of a difference to your investment strategy in 2023. 

Download our latest report for a deep dive into how the market fared in 2022, followed by what you can do as investors to stay ahead of the curve in the new year. 

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