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Insurance against all odds.

A global business involves global travel. But for travellers going into high-risk kidnapping areas, there are fundamental concerns for the safety of you or your employees.

We arrange insurance that can cover the financial losses attained as a result of kidnapping and extortion. We know the importance of reaching new places when doing business, and we want you to feel reassured that you are protected against any-and-all situations.

What We Do

Kidnap and ransom -  World class providers.jpg
  • 01
    World-class providers

    Gain access to a network of hundreds of providers that specialise in kidnap and ransom insurance, with optional worldwide coverage.

  • 02
    Swift arrangements

    We collaborate with you to find a suitable arrangement for financial reimbursements should a ransom payment need to be made.

  • 03
    Truly by your side

    We protect your employees and business in the aftermath of a traumatizing kidnap and ransom situation.

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