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Your core assets, protected

There are some individuals who are invaluable to your business. Whether their vision pushes your business forward or their motivation always gets results, the thought of their absence brings with it a reality that your business could be negatively impacted.

To avoid this, taking out key person protection is there to protect the business should 'key' individuals pass. Whereas, Shareholder protection can additionally cover the lost revenue that would occur in the event they are unable to work due to severe illness, total disability or death.

During what would be an already troubling time, we don’t see why your most valued employees can’t recuperate in peace without any loss to your business.

What We Do

Key person _ shareholder - World class providers.jpg
  • 01
    World-class providers

    Gain access to a network of hundreds of healthcare providers in your region, including hospitals, clinics and pharmacies, with optional worldwide coverage.

  • 02
    Truly cared for

    Contact us at any time – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year – to discuss your concerns and we’ll deal urgently with all your needs.

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